Webmaster • June 10, 2024

A constant theme throughout human his-tory has been the conflict between dark and light, good and evil. From the earliest legends and myths to the latest films and books this eternal conflict between the two forces has been central. Our faith, of course, is no different: good and evil are opposed, and in real conflict, be-cause the one cannot tolerate the other. Our own story of Creation tells of the origins of this conflict, where the evil of selfishness, pride and falsehood opens a doorway to the long story of the fight between God's will and sin. In Jesus, good finds a new champion: the One who most perfectly unites the divine and human will, in whom there is no sin, takes up arms on our behalf to conquer sin and evil. By sharing in his life (by doing the will of God) we share in his final victory over evil on the cross, and so are strengthened and sustained in the continuing contest between sin and virtue. ! 

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