THE WORD OF THE WEEK - 24th November

Webmaster • November 26, 2024

Every time we complete the cycle of the liturgical year, there is a seamless blending into the new year: so, just as this week we hear of the King who is to come, next week, we begin a New Year and the Season of Advent by more medita-tion on the end of time, and the One who is to come again, as he once came among us. This feast affirms that Christ is King, that he is Judge, that he is Ruler of the kings of the earth. By his own words we know that this is true, as he stands before Pilate and says, “Yes, I am a king.” But his kingship is different: it is not of the same kind as earthly kings, whose empires fade and pass away. His kingship is eternal, and holy until the end of time. Through his love for us, we share in this sovereignty - this holiness - as priests and kings who “serve his God and Father”. We end our year in simple, awe‑filled praise of the One who is, who was, and who is to come ‑ the Almighty. Alleluia! Amen! .

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