What does it mean to be a follower of the Lord Jesus? Surely to listen and hear his voice, and to go where he leads us. Today, as we enter the “ordinary” season of the year, we begin our story of Jesus’s life and ministry with the calling of the first disciples. John fulfils his ministry - pointing to the Lamb of God - and the disciples follow where he points. His word to them is simple and inviting: “Come and see.” This echoes the calling of Samuel - a simple call, by name, which Samuel does not understand: discipleship is about trust, which Samuel shows simply by saying “Speak, Lord; your servant is listening. The Psalm also underlines this, as we (the disciples of the Lord) sing together: “Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.” We hear his call, and we freely go to him, to listen again to the words of the Master.
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